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Registrar Forms

Student-Initiated Forms

  • - Academic petitions should only be used when the deadline has passed for registration, for adding or dropping classes, for extending an incomplete or for withdrawing from the university. View the full policy.
  • - 榴莲视频直播 undergraduate students may apply to have specific courses waive some 榴莲视频直播 Biblical Seminary requirements.
  • - For graduate students who have completed the requirements for a certificate.
  • - If you would like to test out of a course use this form.
  • Diploma Reprint Request Form
  • - Request to withhold directory information.
  •  - Permission to receive the information contained in the following selected records.
  • - Use when circumstances dictate that you cannot finish a course on time. Must be completed before the end of the course.
  • - Students taking a one-semester hiatus will complete this form in order to remain active with the University.
  • - Submit the advancement to candidacy form the semester before beginning your thesis, seminar, or final project. This provides an opportunity to check for completion of general degree requirements prior to the MA capstone course.
  • - Current students: report changes to your phone number, social security number, birth date or marital status. Log into Sunbird Central. On the left, click "User Options," then "User Profile" and insert correct information.
  • - Add courses with conflicting meeting times or updating grading information to Credit/No Credit or Audit.
  • - Use this form to register for directed studies, independent studies, a graduate version of an undergraduate course or special units.
  • - If you believe you received the wrong grade, use this form after first discussing it with your instructor. Grades are based on daily work, classroom projects and examinations.
  • - Students using Department of Veteran Affairs issued benefits such as Post 9/11 GI Bill, will complete this form each semester to confirm the number of units enrolled to be submitted to the VA.
  • - Students that want to withdraw from all classes and leave the University.

Program Director Initiated Forms

  • - Use to request the creation of a new course in the catalog and system.
  • - Use to change characteristics of an existing course (e.g. title, prerequisites, course description, etc.)
  • - Use to request a NEW University Program.
  • - Program Directors use to request and update to the current program.

Instructor Initiated Forms

- Use when a clerical or computation error has been made, or for updating a grade due to incomplete work.

Advisor Initiated Forms

  • - Use to request a course be waived for a student.
  • - Use to request substitution course for a student.

Frequently Asked Questions