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Edgar Manriquez, DSW

School of Graduate and Professional Studies

Education history

  • Doctor of Social Work, University of South California, Class of 2020
  • Masters of Social Work, California State University, Fresno, Graduate Class of 2005
  • Bachelor of Arts in Social Work Education, California State University, Fresno, Class of 2003
  • Associates Arts Degree, Fresno City College, Class of 2001

Selected works

  • Manriquez, Edgar Alfredo, (2020) Transitions to Health a Health a Cost Savings Impact New Pilot Prototype Dual Acute Hospital Homeless Response Team Social Healthcare Through Housing Chronic Homeless Patients with Mental Illness and Chronic Diseases. The Grand Challenge for Social Workers: Ending Homelessness December 2020.
  • Jain, VV, Allison R, Beck SJ, et al (2014) Impact of an integrated disease management program in reducing exacerbations in patients with severe asthma and COPD. Respir Med 108(12): 1794-1800 Published September 2014
  • Jain, VV, Allison R, Anderson S, Mejia J, Mills P.K., Peterson M.W. et all (2014) Misdiagnosis Among Frequent Exacerbators of Clinically Diagnosed Asthma and COPD in Absence of Confirmation of Airflow Obstruction. Lung Springer www.link.springer.com Published April 2015
  • CSU, Fresno Grad School 2003-2005 Emphasis: An Exploratory research study, Barriers to Services through the Eyes of Mexicano Parents of Children with Development Disabilities Residing in the Rural Areas of Fresno County. Qualitative interviewed six families who are consumers of CVRC. Finding concluded decrease of services because changes in policy, and perceived barriers involved lack of qualified Spanish interpreters. Parents were relatively satisfied with services from the CVRC.