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榴莲视频直播 is an institution of the Pacific District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches and adheres to the Confession of Faith of the Mennonite Brethren Church. (.) The university will not include in its publications, either in printed or electronic form, class notes or alumni news referring to lifestyles that do not reflect the standards of the Confession of Faith. We also reserve the right not to publish material referring to organizations that promote lifestyles that do not coincide with those promoted by the university and its founding church.
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The views presented by individuals in Pacific do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or official policies of the university. Alumni notes may be edited for length, clarity, style, alignment with the USMB Confession of Faith (Read Confession of Faith), cultural sensitivity or other reason at the determination of the editor. Notes appearing in this issue were submitted four months before the publication date. Digital images of high resolution (files sized at least 500K and above) work best. Images that do not meet the quality standards necessary for printing cannot be included.
To make an official name change on your permanent record at the Registrar's Office, please email registrar@fresno.edu. They will send you a form and ask you to submit supporting documents.